Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Belgian real-world data confirm the potential of benralizumab to induce clinical remission in patients with severe eosinophilic asthma.
Lieven Dupont1, Charles Pilette2, Maud Deschampeleire3, Katrien Eger4, Jean-Benoit Martinot5, Mathias Leys6, Ulrike Himpe7, Rudi Peche8, Muriel Lins9, Solange Delovinfosse10, Helene Simonis11, An Herreman12, Charlotte Quataert12, Tom Feys13, Renaud Louis14
Poster presented at ERS 2024, 7-11 September 2024, Vienna, Austria
Efficacy of Oral 20-hydroxyecdysone (BIO101), a MAS receptor activator, in adults with severe COVID-19 (COVA): a randomized, placebo-controlled, phase 2/3 trial.
Suzaba Margareth Lobo, Gaétan Plantefève, Girish Nair, Adilson Joaquim Cavalcante, Nara Franzin de Moraes, Estevao Nunes, Otis Barnum, Claudio Marcel Bedrun Stadnik, Maria Patelli Lima, Muriel Lins et al.
Published: January 02, 2024. 10.1016/j.eclinm.2023.102383
Evolving to a single inhaler extrafine LABA/LAMA/ICS - Inhalation technique and adherence at the heart of COPD patient care (TRIVOLVE).
G. Brusselle, U. Himpe, P. Fievez. M. Leys, S. Perez Bogerd, R. Peché, E. Vanderhelst, M. Lins, P. Capiau. Respiratory Medicine 218 (2023) 107368
CT-derived measurements of pulmonary blood volume in small vessels and the need for supplemental oxygen in COVID-19 patients
Wendel Dierckx, Wilfried De Backer, Muriel Lins, Yinka De Meyer, Kris Ides, Jan Vandevenne, Jan De Backer, Erik Franck, Ben R. Lavon, Maarten Lanclus et al. J Appl Physiol 133:1295-1299, 2022
Trends in primary outcome parameters for respiratory trials.
Robert R. Lins, Muriel Lins, Heiko Pillu. ERS International Congress 2020 abstracts. 10.1183/13993003.congress-2020.3242
Assessment of small pulmonary blood vessels in COVID-19 patients using HRCT
Muriel Lins, Jan Vandevenne, Muhunthan Thillai, Ben R. Lavon, Maarten Lanclus, Stijn Bonte, Rik Godon, Irvin Kendall, Jan De Backker, Wifried De Backer
Sputum induction for assessment of biomarkers in early drug development
R. Lins, H. Pillu, A. Van Riel, M. Lins, F. Vanhoutte; International Journal of clinical pharmacology and therapuetics, Volume 57 (2019) - January (20-23)
P-PiXel: A 'real-life' evaluation of omalizumab use in asthmatic patients.
Alain Michils, Antoine Poskin, Jan Van Schoor, Stefaan Vancayzeele, Sandra Gurdain, Muriel Lins. September 2016 European Respiratory Journal 48(suppl 60):PA4122
P-Pixel: a 2 year ‘real-life’ evaluation of Omalizumab (Xolair) use in severe asthmatic patients.
Michils A., Poskin A., Van Schoor J, Vancayzeele S., Gurdain S, Lins M. Poster presented at ERS 2016
Postextubation obstructive pseudomembranes. A case series and review of a rare complication after endotracheal intubation
Lins Muriel, MD, Dobbeleir I, MD, Paul Germonpré, MD, Ph D, Wim Waelput, MD, Ph D, Patrick Pauwels, MD, Ph D, Philippe G Jorens, MD, Ph D. Lung (2010) 189:81-86
Stridor due to a pseudomebrane in a 10-week-old male infant.
J.J. S. Van Dinther MD, A. Boudewijns MD PhD, J. Claes MD PhD, Ph Jorens MD PhD, M. Lins MD, Abstract ESPO, juni 2008, Budapest
Use of spirometry software in two major Belgian hospitals.
B. Dieriks, M. Behaegel, M. Lins, Poster ERS Annual congress, Munchen 2006
CPAP compliance and quality of life (QOL) according to educational level in obstructive sleep apnoe (OSA).
Johan A. Verbraecken PhD, Muriel Lins MD, Abstract ERS Annual Congress 2005
Quality of life (QOL) and CPAP compliance in workers and employees with obstructive sleep apnoe (OSA) syndrome.
Johan A. Verbraecken PhD, Muriel Lins MD, Abstract ERS Annual Congress 2005
Quality of life and CPAP compliance in obstructive sleep apnea patiënts according tot their professional activity.
Abstract BASS meeting, Sleep and profession, 25/10/2003
Evaluatie van de kwaliteit van leven bij patiënten met het obstructief slaapapnoesyndroom voor en na CPAP-behandeling.
Eindwerk ter verkrijgen van het diploma van arts. Academiejaar 2002-2003
Aanpak van moeilijk te behandelen hypertensie
Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 2002, 58, nr. 22, 1494-1498
Resistente hypertensie
M. Lins, R. Lins, MS 2002, 148, 13-16
Resistente hypertensie
R. Lins, M. Lins, BHL 2001, Vol 7-Nr 7, 209-211